Call for Use Cases, Testimonials, Success Stories, Feedback...

Tags: javacard, Java Card, jcardsim, testimonials, use cases, feedback, success stories

Hi everyone!
Thank you so much for your support! We really appreciate this! It gives us the energy to keep developing jCardSim!
We would like to ask you how are you using jCardSim in your business, in your school or university, in your research institute, or even at home? This feedback will help us to understand your needs and expectations more clear. If you have any great stories about using jCardSim, please share them with us and with jCardSim users around the world. That would be great!
If you are going to give us a testimonial, you might use the questions below as a reference:

  • What did you find as a result of using jCardSim?
  • What specific feature did you like most about jCardSim?
  • What would be three other benefits about the project?
  • Would you recommend this project? If so, why?
  • Is there anything you would like to add?

And also, would you be so kind to let us know your answers for the following questions:

  • May we add your company name or logo into “Who use jCardSim?” block on the project’s site?
  • Should we non-disclose your feedback, or is it ok to post some parts in articles (pages) of
  • If yes, may we preserve names (company/organization/.. name, your name,...) in your feedback, or should we anonymize your feedback?

You can drop us your feedback, testimonials, stories, requests, ideas and use cases via email to If you have any business opportunities or general inquiries you might send them to
Thank you very much! We look forward to hearing from you!