
jCardSim is an open source simulator implements Java Card, v.2.2.1/2:

  • javacard.framework.*
  • javacard.framework.security.*
  • javacardx.crypto.*

Key Features:

  • Rapid application prototyping
  • Ease of writing Unit-tests (5 lines of code)
    //1. create simulator
    JavaxSmartCardInterface simulator = new JavaxSmartCardInterface();
    //2. install applet
    simulator.installApplet(appletAID, HelloWorldApplet.class);
    //3. select applet
    //4. send apdu
    ResponseAPDU response = simulator.transmitCommand(new CommandAPDU(0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00));
    //5. check response
    assertEquals(0x9000, response.getSW());
  • Emulation of Java Card Terminal, ability to use javax.smartcardio
  • APDU scripting (scripts are compatible with apdutool from Java Card Development Kit)
  • Ease of verification tests creation (Common Criteria)

What is the difference from Oracle Java Card Development Kit simulator?

  • Implementation of javacard.security.*
  • One of the main differences is the implementation of javacard.security.*: current version is analogous with NXP JCOP 31/36k card. For example, in jCardSim we have support an on-card KeyPair.ALG_EC_F2M/ALG_RSA_CRT-key generation. Simulator from Oracle has only KeyPair.ALG_RSA and KeyPair.ALG_EC_FP support, which not supported on real cards.

  • Execution of Java Card applications without converting into CAP
  • jCardSim can work with class files, without any conversions. This allows us to simplify and accelerate the development and writing of unit-tests.

  • Simulator API
  • jCardSim has simple and usable API, which allows you to work with simulator like with real Java Card using javax.smartcardio.*.

  • Cross-platform
  • jCardSim completely written in Java and can therefore be used at all platforms which supports Java (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc).

Developer: LICEL CORPORATION develops embedded solutions based on Java and Java Card technologies (payment systems, medicine and security). The company provides services to protect software products from violation of the licensing policies.

How to help jCardSim?

  • Join team of jCardSim developers.
  • Try out DexProtector. The product is designed for strong and robust protection of Android applications against reverse engineering and modification.
  • Licel has one more product you may be interested in - Stringer Java Obfuscator. It provides all the features you need to comprehensively protect your Java applications.

License: Apache License 2.0

Third-party libraries: Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java

Trademarks: Oracle, Java and Java Card are trademarks of Oracle Corporation.