
Uses of Class

Packages that use CryptoException

Uses of CryptoException in com.licel.jcardsim.crypto

Methods in com.licel.jcardsim.crypto that throw CryptoException
 short SymmetricCipherImpl.doFinal(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] outBuff, short outOffset)
 short AssymetricCipherImpl.doFinal(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] outBuff, short outOffset)
 void RandomDataImpl.generateData(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 short KeyAgreementImpl.generateSecret(byte[] publicData, short publicOffset, short publicLength, byte[] secret, short secretOffset)
 void KeyPairImpl.genKeyPair()
          (Re)Initializes the key objects encapsulated in this KeyPair instance with new key values.
 short ECKeyImpl.getA(byte[] buffer, short offset)
 short ECKeyImpl.getB(byte[] buffer, short offset)
 org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher SymmetricKeyImpl.getCipher()
          Return the BouncyCastle BlockCipher for using with this key
 short ECKeyImpl.getField(byte[] buffer, short offset)
 short ECKeyImpl.getG(byte[] buffer, short offset)
 short ECKeyImpl.getK()
 short SymmetricSignatureImpl.getLength()
 short AsymmetricSignatureImpl.getLength()
 org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters SymmetricKeyImpl.getParameters()
          Return the BouncyCastle KeyParameter of the key
 short ECKeyImpl.getR(byte[] buffer, short offset)
 short ECPrivateKeyImpl.getS(byte[] buffer, short offset)
 short ECPublicKeyImpl.getW(byte[] buffer, short offset)
 void CRC32.init(byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
 void CRC16.init(byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
 void SymmetricSignatureImpl.init(Key theKey, byte theMode)
 void SymmetricCipherImpl.init(Key theKey, byte theMode)
 void AsymmetricSignatureImpl.init(Key theKey, byte theMode)
 void AssymetricCipherImpl.init(Key theKey, byte theMode)
 void SymmetricSignatureImpl.init(Key theKey, byte theMode, byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
 void SymmetricCipherImpl.init(Key theKey, byte theMode, byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
 void AsymmetricSignatureImpl.init(Key theKey, byte theMode, byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
 void AssymetricCipherImpl.init(Key theKey, byte theMode, byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
 void KeyAgreementImpl.init(PrivateKey privateKey)
 void ECKeyImpl.setA(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void ECKeyImpl.setB(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setDP1(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setDQ1(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void RSAKeyImpl.setExponent(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void ECKeyImpl.setFieldF2M(short e)
 void ECKeyImpl.setFieldF2M(short e1, short e2, short e3)
 void ECKeyImpl.setFieldFP(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void ECKeyImpl.setG(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void DSAKeyImpl.setG(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void SymmetricKeyImpl.setKey(byte[] keyData, short kOff)
          Sets the Key data.
 void RSAKeyImpl.setModulus(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setP(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void DSAKeyImpl.setP(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setPQ(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setPublicExponent(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setQ(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void DSAKeyImpl.setQ(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void ECKeyImpl.setR(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void ECPrivateKeyImpl.setS(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void ECPublicKeyImpl.setW(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void DSAPrivateKeyImpl.setX(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 void DSAPublicKeyImpl.setY(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
 short SymmetricSignatureImpl.sign(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] sigBuff, short sigOffset)
 short AsymmetricSignatureImpl.sign(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] sigBuff, short sigOffset)
 void SymmetricSignatureImpl.update(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength)
 void AsymmetricSignatureImpl.update(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength)
 short SymmetricCipherImpl.update(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] outBuff, short outOffset)
 short AssymetricCipherImpl.update(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] outBuff, short outOffset)
 boolean SymmetricSignatureImpl.verify(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] sigBuff, short sigOffset, short sigLength)
 boolean AsymmetricSignatureImpl.verify(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] sigBuff, short sigOffset, short sigLength)

Constructors in com.licel.jcardsim.crypto that throw CryptoException
KeyPairImpl(byte algorithm, short keyLength)
          Constructs a KeyPair instance for the specified algorithm and keylength; the encapsulated keys are uninitialized.
KeyPairImpl(PublicKey publicKey, PrivateKey privateKey)
          Constructs a new KeyPair object containing the specified public key and private key.

Uses of CryptoException in

Methods in that throw CryptoException
static Key KeyBuilder.buildKey(byte keyType, short keyLength, boolean keyEncryption)
          Creates uninitialized cryptographic keys for signature and cipher algorithms.
abstract  void RandomData.generateData(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Generates random data.
abstract  short KeyAgreement.generateSecret(byte[] publicData, short publicOffset, short publicLength, byte[] secret, short secretOffset)
          Generates the secret data as per the requested algorithm using the PrivateKey specified during initialization and the public key data provided.
 void KeyPair.genKeyPair()
          (Re)Initializes the key objects encapsulated in this KeyPair instance with new key values.
 short ECKey.getA(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the first coefficient of the curve of the key.
 short ECKey.getB(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the second coefficient of the curve of the key.
 short RSAPrivateCrtKey.getDP1(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the value of the DP1 parameter in plain text.
 short RSAPrivateCrtKey.getDQ1(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the value of the DQ1 parameter in plain text.
 short RSAPublicKey.getExponent(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the public exponent value of the key in plain text.
 short RSAPrivateKey.getExponent(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the private exponent value of the key in plain text.
 short ECKey.getField(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the field specification parameter value of the key.
 short ECKey.getG(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the fixed point of the curve.
 short DSAKey.getG(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the base parameter value of the key in plain text.
static RandomData RandomData.getInstance(byte algorithm)
          Creates a RandomData instance of the selected algorithm.
static Signature Signature.getInstance(byte algorithm, boolean externalAccess)
          Creates a Signature object instance of the selected algorithm.
static MessageDigest MessageDigest.getInstance(byte algorithm, boolean externalAccess)
          Creates a MessageDigest object instance of the selected algorithm.
static KeyAgreement KeyAgreement.getInstance(byte algorithm, boolean externalAccess)
          Creates a KeyAgreement object instance of the selected algorithm.
static Checksum Checksum.getInstance(byte algorithm, boolean externalAccess)
          Creates a Checksum object instance of the selected algorithm.
 short ECKey.getK()
          Returns the cofactor of the order of the fixed point G of the curve.
 byte DESKey.getKey(byte[] keyData, short kOff)
          Returns the Key data in plain text.
 byte AESKey.getKey(byte[] keyData, short kOff)
          Returns the Key data in plain text.
abstract  short Signature.getLength()
          Returns the byte length of the signature data.
 short RSAPublicKey.getModulus(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the modulus value of the key in plain text.
 short RSAPrivateKey.getModulus(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the modulus value of the key in plain text.
 short RSAPrivateCrtKey.getP(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the value of the P parameter in plain text.
 short DSAKey.getP(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the prime parameter value of the key in plain text.
 short RSAPrivateCrtKey.getPQ(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the value of the PQ parameter in plain text.
 short RSAPrivateCrtKey.getQ(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the value of the Q parameter in plain text.
 short DSAKey.getQ(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the subprime parameter value of the key in plain text.
 short ECKey.getR(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the order of the fixed point G of the curve.
 short ECPrivateKey.getS(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the value of the secret key in plaintext form.
 short ECPublicKey.getW(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the point of the curve comprising the public key in plain text form.
 short DSAPrivateKey.getX(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the value of the key in plain text.
 short DSAPublicKey.getY(byte[] buffer, short offset)
          Returns the value of the key in plain text.
abstract  void Checksum.init(byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
          Resets and initializes the Checksum object with the algorithm specific Note: The ALG_ISO3309_CRC16 algorithm expects 2 bytes of parameter information in bArray representing the initial checksum value.
abstract  void Signature.init(Key theKey, byte theMode)
          Initializes the Signature object with the appropriate Key.
abstract  void Signature.init(Key theKey, byte theMode, byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
          Initializes the Signature object with the appropriate Key and algorithm specific parameters.
abstract  void KeyAgreement.init(PrivateKey privateKey)
          Initializes the object with the given private key.
 void ECKey.setA(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the first coefficient of the curve of the key.
 void ECKey.setB(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the second coefficient of the curve of the key.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setDP1(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the DP1 parameter.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setDQ1(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the DQ1 parameter.
 void RSAPublicKey.setExponent(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the public exponent value of the key.
 void RSAPrivateKey.setExponent(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the private exponent value of the key.
 void ECKey.setFieldF2M(short e)
          Sets the field specification parameter value for keys of type TYPE_EC_F2M_PUBLIC or TYPE_EC_F2M_PRIVATE in the case where the polynomial is a trinomial, of the form x^n + x^e + 1 (where n is the bit length of the key).
 void ECKey.setFieldF2M(short e1, short e2, short e3)
          Sets the field specification parameter value for keys of type TYPE_EC_F2M_PUBLIC or TYPE_EC_F2M_PRIVATE in the case where the polynomial is a pentanomial, of the form x^n + x^e1 + x^e2 + x^e3 + 1 (where n is the bit length of the key).
 void ECKey.setFieldFP(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the field specification parameter value for keys of type TYPE_EC_FP_PRIVATE or TYPE_EC_FP_PUBLIC.
 void ECKey.setG(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the fixed point of the curve.
 void DSAKey.setG(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the base parameter value of the key.
 void DESKey.setKey(byte[] keyData, short kOff)
          Sets the Key data.
 void AESKey.setKey(byte[] keyData, short kOff)
          Sets the Key data.
 void RSAPublicKey.setModulus(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the modulus value of the key.
 void RSAPrivateKey.setModulus(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the modulus value of the key.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setP(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the P parameter.
 void DSAKey.setP(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the prime parameter value of the key.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setPQ(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the PQ parameter.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setQ(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the Q parameter.
 void DSAKey.setQ(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the subprime parameter value of the key.
 void ECKey.setR(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the order of the fixed point G of the curve.
 void ECPrivateKey.setS(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the secret key.
 void ECPublicKey.setW(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the point of the curve comprising the public key.
 void DSAPrivateKey.setX(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the key.
 void DSAPublicKey.setY(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the key.
abstract  short Signature.sign(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] sigBuff, short sigOffset)
          Generates the signature of all/last input data.
abstract  void Signature.update(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength)
          Accumulates a signature of the input data.
abstract  boolean Signature.verify(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] sigBuff, short sigOffset, short sigLength)
          Verifies the signature of all/last input data against the passed in signature.

Constructors in that throw CryptoException
KeyPair(byte algorithm, short keyLength)
          Constructs a KeyPair instance for the specified algorithm and keylength; the encapsulated keys are uninitialized.
KeyPair(PublicKey publicKey, PrivateKey privateKey)
          Constructs a new KeyPair object containing the specified public key and private key.

Uses of CryptoException in javacardx.crypto

Methods in javacardx.crypto that throw CryptoException
abstract  short Cipher.doFinal(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] outBuff, short outOffset)
          Generates encrypted/decrypted output from all/last input data.
static Cipher Cipher.getInstance(byte algorithm, boolean externalAccess)
          Creates a Cipher object instance of the selected algorithm.
abstract  void Cipher.init(Key theKey, byte theMode)
          Initializes the Cipher object with the appropriate Key.
abstract  void Cipher.init(Key theKey, byte theMode, byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
          Initializes the Cipher object with the appropriate Key and algorithm specific parameters.
abstract  short Cipher.update(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] outBuff, short outOffset)
          Generates encrypted/decrypted output from input data.