Packages that use CryptoException | |
com.licel.jcardsim.crypto | |
javacard.security | |
javacardx.crypto |
Uses of CryptoException in com.licel.jcardsim.crypto |
Methods in com.licel.jcardsim.crypto that throw CryptoException | |
short |
SymmetricCipherImpl.doFinal(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] outBuff,
short outOffset)
short |
AssymetricCipherImpl.doFinal(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] outBuff,
short outOffset)
void |
RandomDataImpl.generateData(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
short |
KeyAgreementImpl.generateSecret(byte[] publicData,
short publicOffset,
short publicLength,
byte[] secret,
short secretOffset)
void |
(Re)Initializes the key objects encapsulated in this KeyPair instance with new key values. |
short |
ECKeyImpl.getA(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
short |
ECKeyImpl.getB(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher |
Return the BouncyCastle BlockCipher for using with this key |
short |
ECKeyImpl.getField(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
short |
ECKeyImpl.getG(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
short |
short |
short |
org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters |
Return the BouncyCastle KeyParameter of the key |
short |
ECKeyImpl.getR(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
short |
ECPrivateKeyImpl.getS(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
short |
ECPublicKeyImpl.getW(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
void |
CRC32.init(byte[] bArray,
short bOff,
short bLen)
void |
CRC16.init(byte[] bArray,
short bOff,
short bLen)
void |
SymmetricSignatureImpl.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode)
void |
SymmetricCipherImpl.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode)
void |
AsymmetricSignatureImpl.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode)
void |
AssymetricCipherImpl.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode)
void |
SymmetricSignatureImpl.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode,
byte[] bArray,
short bOff,
short bLen)
void |
SymmetricCipherImpl.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode,
byte[] bArray,
short bOff,
short bLen)
void |
AsymmetricSignatureImpl.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode,
byte[] bArray,
short bOff,
short bLen)
void |
AssymetricCipherImpl.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode,
byte[] bArray,
short bOff,
short bLen)
void |
KeyAgreementImpl.init(PrivateKey privateKey)
void |
ECKeyImpl.setA(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
ECKeyImpl.setB(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setDP1(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setDQ1(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
RSAKeyImpl.setExponent(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
ECKeyImpl.setFieldF2M(short e)
void |
ECKeyImpl.setFieldF2M(short e1,
short e2,
short e3)
void |
ECKeyImpl.setFieldFP(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
ECKeyImpl.setG(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
DSAKeyImpl.setG(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
SymmetricKeyImpl.setKey(byte[] keyData,
short kOff)
Sets the Key data. |
void |
RSAKeyImpl.setModulus(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setP(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
DSAKeyImpl.setP(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setPQ(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setPublicExponent(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl.setQ(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
DSAKeyImpl.setQ(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
ECKeyImpl.setR(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
ECPrivateKeyImpl.setS(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
ECPublicKeyImpl.setW(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
DSAPrivateKeyImpl.setX(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
void |
DSAPublicKeyImpl.setY(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
short |
SymmetricSignatureImpl.sign(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] sigBuff,
short sigOffset)
short |
AsymmetricSignatureImpl.sign(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] sigBuff,
short sigOffset)
void |
SymmetricSignatureImpl.update(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength)
void |
AsymmetricSignatureImpl.update(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength)
short |
SymmetricCipherImpl.update(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] outBuff,
short outOffset)
short |
AssymetricCipherImpl.update(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] outBuff,
short outOffset)
boolean |
SymmetricSignatureImpl.verify(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] sigBuff,
short sigOffset,
short sigLength)
boolean |
AsymmetricSignatureImpl.verify(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] sigBuff,
short sigOffset,
short sigLength)
Constructors in com.licel.jcardsim.crypto that throw CryptoException | |
KeyPairImpl(byte algorithm,
short keyLength)
Constructs a KeyPair instance for the specified algorithm and keylength;
the encapsulated keys are uninitialized. |
KeyPairImpl(PublicKey publicKey,
PrivateKey privateKey)
Constructs a new KeyPair object containing the specified public key and
private key. |
Uses of CryptoException in javacard.security |
Methods in javacard.security that throw CryptoException | |
static Key |
KeyBuilder.buildKey(byte keyType,
short keyLength,
boolean keyEncryption)
Creates uninitialized cryptographic keys for signature and cipher algorithms. |
abstract void |
RandomData.generateData(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Generates random data. |
abstract short |
KeyAgreement.generateSecret(byte[] publicData,
short publicOffset,
short publicLength,
byte[] secret,
short secretOffset)
Generates the secret data as per the requested algorithm using the PrivateKey specified during initialization and the public key data
provided. |
void |
(Re)Initializes the key objects encapsulated in this KeyPair instance
with new key values. |
short |
ECKey.getA(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the first coefficient of the curve of the key. |
short |
ECKey.getB(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the second coefficient of the curve of the key. |
short |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.getDP1(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the value of the DP1 parameter in plain text. |
short |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.getDQ1(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the value of the DQ1 parameter in plain text. |
short |
RSAPublicKey.getExponent(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the public exponent value of the key in plain text. |
short |
RSAPrivateKey.getExponent(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the private exponent value of the key in plain text. |
short |
ECKey.getField(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the field specification parameter value of the key. |
short |
ECKey.getG(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the fixed point of the curve. |
short |
DSAKey.getG(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the base parameter value of the key in plain text. |
static RandomData |
RandomData.getInstance(byte algorithm)
Creates a RandomData instance of the selected algorithm. |
static Signature |
Signature.getInstance(byte algorithm,
boolean externalAccess)
Creates a Signature object instance of the selected algorithm. |
static MessageDigest |
MessageDigest.getInstance(byte algorithm,
boolean externalAccess)
Creates a MessageDigest object instance of the selected algorithm. |
static KeyAgreement |
KeyAgreement.getInstance(byte algorithm,
boolean externalAccess)
Creates a KeyAgreement object instance of the selected algorithm. |
static Checksum |
Checksum.getInstance(byte algorithm,
boolean externalAccess)
Creates a Checksum object instance of the selected algorithm. |
short |
Returns the cofactor of the order of the fixed point G of the curve. |
byte |
DESKey.getKey(byte[] keyData,
short kOff)
Returns the Key data in plain text. |
byte |
AESKey.getKey(byte[] keyData,
short kOff)
Returns the Key data in plain text. |
abstract short |
Returns the byte length of the signature data. |
short |
RSAPublicKey.getModulus(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the modulus value of the key in plain text. |
short |
RSAPrivateKey.getModulus(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the modulus value of the key in plain text. |
short |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.getP(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the value of the P parameter in plain text. |
short |
DSAKey.getP(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the prime parameter value of the key in plain text. |
short |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.getPQ(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the value of the PQ parameter in plain text. |
short |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.getQ(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the value of the Q parameter in plain text. |
short |
DSAKey.getQ(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the subprime parameter value of the key in plain text. |
short |
ECKey.getR(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the order of the fixed point G of the curve. |
short |
ECPrivateKey.getS(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the value of the secret key in plaintext form. |
short |
ECPublicKey.getW(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the point of the curve comprising the public key in plain text form. |
short |
DSAPrivateKey.getX(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the value of the key in plain text. |
short |
DSAPublicKey.getY(byte[] buffer,
short offset)
Returns the value of the key in plain text. |
abstract void |
Checksum.init(byte[] bArray,
short bOff,
short bLen)
Resets and initializes the Checksum object with the algorithm specific
The ALG_ISO3309_CRC16 algorithm expects 2 bytes of parameter information in
bArray representing the initial checksum value. |
abstract void |
Signature.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode)
Initializes the Signature object with the appropriate Key . |
abstract void |
Signature.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode,
byte[] bArray,
short bOff,
short bLen)
Initializes the Signature object with the appropriate Key and algorithm specific
parameters. |
abstract void |
KeyAgreement.init(PrivateKey privateKey)
Initializes the object with the given private key. |
void |
ECKey.setA(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the first coefficient of the curve of the key. |
void |
ECKey.setB(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the second coefficient of the curve of the key. |
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.setDP1(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the value of the DP1 parameter. |
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.setDQ1(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the value of the DQ1 parameter. |
void |
RSAPublicKey.setExponent(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the public exponent value of the key. |
void |
RSAPrivateKey.setExponent(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the private exponent value of the key. |
void |
ECKey.setFieldF2M(short e)
Sets the field specification parameter value for keys of type TYPE_EC_F2M_PUBLIC or TYPE_EC_F2M_PRIVATE in
the case where the polynomial is a trinomial, of the form
x^n + x^e + 1 (where n is the bit length of the key). |
void |
ECKey.setFieldF2M(short e1,
short e2,
short e3)
Sets the field specification parameter value for keys of type TYPE_EC_F2M_PUBLIC or TYPE_EC_F2M_PRIVATE in
the case where the polynomial is a pentanomial, of the form
x^n + x^e1 + x^e2 + x^e3 + 1 (where n is the bit length of the key). |
void |
ECKey.setFieldFP(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the field specification parameter value for keys of type TYPE_EC_FP_PRIVATE or TYPE_EC_FP_PUBLIC . |
void |
ECKey.setG(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the fixed point of the curve. |
void |
DSAKey.setG(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the base parameter value of the key. |
void |
DESKey.setKey(byte[] keyData,
short kOff)
Sets the Key data. |
void |
AESKey.setKey(byte[] keyData,
short kOff)
Sets the Key data. |
void |
RSAPublicKey.setModulus(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the modulus value of the key. |
void |
RSAPrivateKey.setModulus(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the modulus value of the key. |
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.setP(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the value of the P parameter. |
void |
DSAKey.setP(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the prime parameter value of the key. |
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.setPQ(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the value of the PQ parameter. |
void |
RSAPrivateCrtKey.setQ(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the value of the Q parameter. |
void |
DSAKey.setQ(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the subprime parameter value of the key. |
void |
ECKey.setR(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the order of the fixed point G of the curve. |
void |
ECPrivateKey.setS(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the value of the secret key. |
void |
ECPublicKey.setW(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the point of the curve comprising the public key. |
void |
DSAPrivateKey.setX(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the value of the key. |
void |
DSAPublicKey.setY(byte[] buffer,
short offset,
short length)
Sets the value of the key. |
abstract short |
Signature.sign(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] sigBuff,
short sigOffset)
Generates the signature of all/last input data. |
abstract void |
Signature.update(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength)
Accumulates a signature of the input data. |
abstract boolean |
Signature.verify(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] sigBuff,
short sigOffset,
short sigLength)
Verifies the signature of all/last input data against the passed in signature. |
Constructors in javacard.security that throw CryptoException | |
KeyPair(byte algorithm,
short keyLength)
Constructs a KeyPair instance for the specified algorithm and keylength;
the encapsulated keys are uninitialized. |
KeyPair(PublicKey publicKey,
PrivateKey privateKey)
Constructs a new KeyPair object containing the specified
public key and private key. |
Uses of CryptoException in javacardx.crypto |
Methods in javacardx.crypto that throw CryptoException | |
abstract short |
Cipher.doFinal(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] outBuff,
short outOffset)
Generates encrypted/decrypted output from all/last input data. |
static Cipher |
Cipher.getInstance(byte algorithm,
boolean externalAccess)
Creates a Cipher object instance of the selected algorithm. |
abstract void |
Cipher.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode)
Initializes the Cipher object with the appropriate Key . |
abstract void |
Cipher.init(Key theKey,
byte theMode,
byte[] bArray,
short bOff,
short bLen)
Initializes the Cipher object with the appropriate Key and algorithm specific
parameters. |
abstract short |
Cipher.update(byte[] inBuff,
short inOffset,
short inLength,
byte[] outBuff,
short outOffset)
Generates encrypted/decrypted output from input data. |