Uses of Class

Packages that use AID

Uses of AID in com.licel.jcardsim.base

Methods in com.licel.jcardsim.base that return AID
 AID Simulator.createApplet(AID aid, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
static AID SimulatorSystem.getAID()
          Returns the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object associated with the current applet context, or null if the Applet.register() method has not yet been invoked.
 AID SimulatorRuntime.getAID()
          Return current applet context AID or null
static AID SimulatorSystem.getPreviousContextAID()
          Obtains the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object associated with the previously active applet context.
 AID SimulatorRuntime.getPreviousContextAID()
          Return previous selected applet context AID or null
 AID Simulator.installApplet(AID aid, Class appletClass)
          Install Applet into Simulator without installing data
 AID Simulator.installApplet(AID aid, Class appletClass, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
          Install Applet into Simulator.
 AID Simulator.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletContents, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
 AID Simulator.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
 AID Simulator.loadApplet(AID aid, Class appletClass)
          Load Applet into Simulator
 AID Simulator.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName)
 AID Simulator.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents)
static AID SimulatorSystem.lookupAID(byte[] buffer, short offset, byte length)
          Returns the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object, if any, encapsulating the specified AID bytes in the buffer parameter if there exists a successfully installed applet on the card whose instance AID exactly matches that of the specified AID bytes.
 AID SimulatorRuntime.lookupAID(byte[] buffer, short offset, byte length)
          Lookup applet by aid contains in byte array

Methods in com.licel.jcardsim.base with parameters of type AID
 void SimulatorRuntime.appletInstalling(AID aid)
 AID Simulator.createApplet(AID aid, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
protected  Applet SimulatorRuntime.getApplet(AID aid)
          Return Applet by it's AID or null
protected  Class SimulatorRuntime.getAppletClass(AID aid)
          Return Applet class by it's AID or null
static Shareable SimulatorSystem.getSharedObject(AID serverAID, byte parameter)
          Called by a client applet to get a server applet's shareable interface object.
 AID Simulator.installApplet(AID aid, Class appletClass)
          Install Applet into Simulator without installing data
 AID Simulator.installApplet(AID aid, Class appletClass, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
          Install Applet into Simulator.
 AID Simulator.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletContents, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
 AID Simulator.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
static boolean SimulatorSystem.isAppletActive(AID theApplet)
          This method is used to determine if the specified applet is active on the card.
protected  void SimulatorRuntime.loadApplet(AID aid, Class appletClass)
          Load applet
 AID Simulator.loadApplet(AID aid, Class appletClass)
          Load Applet into Simulator
 AID Simulator.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName)
 AID Simulator.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents)
 com.licel.jcardsim.base.SimulatorRuntime.AppletHolder SimulatorRuntime.lookupApplet(AID lookupAid)
          Lookup applet by aid
protected  void SimulatorRuntime.registerApplet(AID aid, Applet applet)
          Register applet
 boolean Simulator.selectApplet(AID aid)

Uses of AID in

Methods in that return AID
 AID JavaCardInterface.createApplet(AID aid, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
          Create Applet instance in Simulator
 AID JavaCardInterface.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
          Install Applet into Simulator.
 AID JavaCardInterface.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
          Install Applet into Simulator.
 AID JavaCardInterface.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClass)
          Load Applet into Simulator
 AID JavaCardInterface.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents)
          Load Applet into Simulator

Methods in with parameters of type AID
 AID JavaCardInterface.createApplet(AID aid, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
          Create Applet instance in Simulator
 AID JavaCardInterface.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
          Install Applet into Simulator.
 AID JavaCardInterface.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
          Install Applet into Simulator.
 AID JavaCardInterface.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClass)
          Load Applet into Simulator
 AID JavaCardInterface.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents)
          Load Applet into Simulator
 boolean JavaCardInterface.selectApplet(AID aid)
          Select applet by it's AID It's method must be called before start working with applet instance

Uses of AID in com.licel.jcardsim.remote

Methods in com.licel.jcardsim.remote that return AID
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.createApplet(AID aid, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
 AID SerializableAID.getAID()
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName)
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents)

Methods in com.licel.jcardsim.remote with parameters of type AID
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.createApplet(AID aid, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.installApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName)
 AID JavaCardRemoteClient.loadApplet(AID aid, String appletClassName, byte[] appletJarContents)
 boolean JavaCardRemoteClient.selectApplet(AID aid)

Constructors in com.licel.jcardsim.remote with parameters of type AID
SerializableAID(AID aid)

Uses of AID in javacard.framework

Methods in javacard.framework that return AID
static AID JCSystem.getAID()
          Returns the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object associated with the current applet context, or null if the Applet.register() method has not yet been invoked.
static AID JCSystem.getPreviousContextAID()
          Obtains the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object associated with the previously active applet context.
static AID JCSystem.lookupAID(byte[] buffer, short offset, byte length)
          Returns the Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of the AID object, if any, encapsulating the specified AID bytes in the buffer parameter if there exists a successfully installed applet on the card whose instance AID exactly matches that of the specified AID bytes.

Methods in javacard.framework with parameters of type AID
static Shareable JCSystem.getAppletShareableInterfaceObject(AID serverAID, byte parameter)
          Called by a client applet to get a server applet's shareable interface object.
 Shareable Applet.getShareableInterfaceObject(AID clientAID, byte parameter)
          Called by the Java Card runtime environment to obtain a shareable interface object from this server applet, on behalf of a request from a client applet.
static boolean JCSystem.isAppletActive(AID theApplet)
          This method is used to determine if the specified applet is active on the card.
 boolean AID.RIDEquals(AID otherAID)
          Checks if the RID (National Registered Application provider identifier) portion of the encapsulated AID bytes within the otherAID object matches that of this AID object.